Metedologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D. Penentuan Rute Distribusi Produk yang Optimal dengan Memperhatikan Faktor Kecepatan Kendaraan Guna Meningkatkan Efisiensi Penggunaan BBM. Analisis Perhitungan dan Perbandingan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Transmusi Jenis Mercedes Benz OH-1521 dan Hino RK8-235. Penentuan Rute Distribusi Daging Ayam Menggunakan Metode Clarke and Wright Savings dan Algoritma Genetika. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik 9(2), 143-150. Mengoptimalkan Biaya Transportasi Untuk Penentuan Jalur Distribusi Produk ‘X’ dengan Metode Saving Matrix.

Penentuan Rute Optimal Distribusi Produk dengan Metode Saving Matrix dan Traveling Salesman Problem di PT. Buku asli diterbitkan tahun 1978.Įffendi, A., Ngatilah, Y. East Java Province, which resulted in a mileage of 4,457.3 Km saving 25%, travel time 6,625.9 minutes, saving 0.6%, and vehicle operating costs Rp.3.739.744 saving 46.1%.īowersox, Donald J. The results of the calculation in Central Java Province that resulted in a mileage of 3,086.3 Km there was a saving of 16.61%, a travel time of 4,629.55 minutes a saving of 8.92%, and a vehicle operating cost of Rp. Data processing for determining the shortest route used the Saving Matrix method and for route sequencing the Nearest Insert and Nearest Neighbor methods were used. The data used are the distance between warehouses and agents and the distance between agents, the number of requests for each agent, and vehicle capacity. For distribution, use a fullbox truck with a capacity of 1,300 cartons. Jaya Abadi covers 2 provinces, namely Central Java Province and East Java Province. This study aims to determine the optimal route and determine the minimum distribution cost savings. Jaya Abadi to the destination area has so far been less than optimal because in determining the route at this time the company does not have a special method used in determining the route, it only uses an estimate of the distance by looking at the number of requests without considering the vehicle capacity and distance from the warehouse to the destination, so it will affect the number of vehicle use can result in high transportation costs. Unicharm Indonesia started from the CV warehouse. The process of distributing goods is one example.

Transportation is also a very important component in the logistics management of a company. Transportation problems are an important aspect of everyday life.